Daily life
In the morning, I eat Crossan. I usually don't eat bread in the morning. I usually eat rice and miso soup. Also, I'm not a big fan of drinking coffee in the morning. I could not drink coffee if it were too bitter. Otherwise, in Italy the coffee is excellent. So I drink every morning.
Most of the lunch, I eat at the cafeteria. In general, the cafeteria is not delicious. But in Italy, the food is good. I usually eat pasta and yogurt and bread. I surprised that when I tried to get orange juice, it came out with fizzy.
It's not usually, but when I go out with my friend, I usually enjoy this kind of foods.
This picture was my supper. French fries with curry sauce. It was so delicious! It was 3 Euro, and a lot of french fries were in it. I ordered the small size, but I became full.
Most of the time I eat pasta! I love pasta. In Italy, the basic food they eat is pasta, pizza, and wine! I love this food culture.
I spend most of the time at class, but sometimes I go shopping with my friends.
Most of the time I buy beautiful clothes, but sometimes I went grocery shopping to buy local things. I surprised how large the vegetables are and how cheap they are! It is fun to find and eat local things.
We eat supper at one restaurant. We went to the restaurant it said "appritivo." It also called happy hours. This is like a buffet, and one drink is coming with it. You can take and eat anything you want. It was 10 Euro. I took a lot of pasta there.
I ordered alcohol called spritz. It is famous drink in Italy. In the picture, it looks like brown, but it is orange. I went to supermarket next day, and there was spritz selling like other alcohols do.It is so fun to spend time in Italy!
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